Photo Credit: T Hunter of HNTRGraphy

Tavi Hawn, LCSW-C






Everybody’s got the right to be affirmed in their gender!

For those wondering how to address the topic of gender in the workplace, the educational setting, spiritual communities and more, this talk covers the history of gender, ways that every person regardless of gender has the inherent right to be and express themselves, and how to create affirming environments.

What’s history got to do with it?: How Gender Diversity Ain’t New

Gender diversity is ancient but most people aren’t learning that in school. There are rich traditions and stories of various genders around the globe. Tavi will share examples of gender diversity in a number of cultures and connect current terminology and identities.

A Gender Affirming Approach to Raising Confident Kids

Most families want to raise confident children. How does affirming gender identity and expression play a role in this? What are practical considerations in parenting? The author of “The Gender Identity Guide for Parents” will share strategies so that you can help your child become grounded and confident in all their identities.

Drag queens to the rescue

We’re hearing a lot in the media about how drag performers are a negative influence, are dangerous, need to be regulated, etc. What if drag performers are really saving lives? Defending everyone’s right to self expression? Sounding the alarm against dangerous censorship? This talk will examine the protective nature of drag performers past and present.

The Whole Self Workplace: Authentic and Thrivin’

Retaining employees who are invested and passionate can be challenging. The whole self workplace is one where individuals feel like they can bring all aspects of themselves to work instead of having to hide or dim certain parts. This authenticity allows people to feel more comfortable and creative which creates a thriving workplace. Tavi will guide you through creating this environment.


Tavi Hawn has authored books about cultural awareness in therapy and gender identity. Learn more about the books and purchase them today.


Sam McClure — Executive Director, The Center for LGBTQ Health Equity

“I hired Tavi for a keynote, and they delivered something far more special. It was part love letter to ancestors and liberation movement elders, part call to action, part energizing strategy creation, and in all possible ways, it was healing.”


Get in touch with Tavi Hawn today to schedule your talk or book consulting services.